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A home for paediatricians. A voice for children and youth.


The Canadian Paediatric Society controls the “right to copy” for all information we develop or publish in any format, including in print or on this website. The CPS also holds copyright for material published under our logo in our peer-reviewed journal Paediatrics & Child Health.

We welcome requests for permission to reproduce our material for the purposes of education and advocacy and, in most cases, require only two things from an applicant:

  1. A completed copyright application form (see below). This helps us keep track of what material is being used, by whom, and how widely. Please provide details and sufficient time for our review.
  2. That the CPS is clearly credited as the source of this information. We provide the appropriate “credit line” once an application is granted.

Generally, the CPS encourages the use, distribution, reproduction and, in some cases, the translation or adaptation of our information, usually without cost.

While linking to our website is encouraged and welcome, the CPS usually does not allow content to reside on other websites. Exceptions are occasionally made for educational purposes, such as course readings, and are decided on a case-by-case basis. For information about reciprocal links, please read our Policy on Internet Links.

We also reserve the right to withhold or to charge for permission to copy our material based on our assessment of each request. Every application is assessed on its own merit and may require contacting the applicant for clarification or follow-up.

The CPS strives to comply fully with copyright practice when developing our own material by seeking permissions where appropriate, referencing our information, and acknowledging the contributions of allied organizations and others to our work.

Use of our logo:

The Canadian Paediatric Society does not permit the use of its logo in any material (print or digital), without expressed written permission.

If you have any questions, contact us at


Submit a Copyright Request

Last updated: Dec 12, 2014